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Technology Predicts the Development Trend of Smart Home 2022-8-22

In the era of artificial intelligence, technology makes our homes smarter. With the help of AIOT, smart home equipment has developed rapidly. Products such as smart door locks, security monitoring, speakers, and sweeping robots frequently appear in people's lives. The intelligent products will contribute to the growth of the smart home equipment market.

CIOE China Optical Expo will join hands with thousands of smart customers to host "Building a New Ecology, Whole House Intelligent Technology Development Trend Summit Forum", which will invite well-known home appliance brand manufacturers, AI vision technology, optical components, sensors, systems. Enterprises such as integrators and solution providers will discuss the breakthrough and innovative application of whole-house intelligent technology together, and promote the transformation of smart home from single product breakthrough to systematic and intelligent collaborative innovation, so that the industry chain will move towards great challenges and opportunities.